SPLIT is a 2016 American psychological-thriller movie by M. Night Shyamalan, which follows a man with 24 different personalities who kidnaps and imprisons three teenage girls in an isolated underground facility. SPLIT heavily explores the nature of the distorted mind Kevin has, how one man´s thoughts and actions could be very different and contradictive due to the many personalities he had.

Reimagining the sequence, my version portrays the space inside Kevin´s mind, where it is mentioned in the movie that the personalities would sit in chairs, waiting for their turn to take control of the body. Each personality who are supposed to be sitting in chairs will be symbolized by TVs with distortion on the screens. Each TV represents each personality, and the distortion symbolize the twisted minds, where sometimes if the distortion fades off, audiences would get a glimpse of what´s further inside of each personality´s mind, their own individual voiced thoughts and what kind of place they reside in. The visual and audio distortion is also intended to give a strange and unpleasant vibe that the movie gives off.

While the original sequence is more subtle, mine´s portrayal is more experimental, exploring into interactivity and playing with audio. The interactivity allows audiences to experience the intense, complex and chaotic state of Kevin´s mind by switching between each personality´s mind-realm. Available in interactive and original versions, this sequence intends to give audiences a teaser of what´s coming and also setting the overall theme of the movie.